Saturday, July 25, 2009

Don’t buy snake oil that “teaches” you to lead!

Snake Oil shading and coloringImage by opacity via Flickr

You spend big bucks traveling all over to attend the latest "how-to" leadership seminars. You fill workbooks with reams of notes, buy hundreds of dollars' worth of DVD's, and throw yourself into the latest "can't miss" system. A few months later, frustration grows as you see yourself settling back into the same ruts you've lived in for years.

Remember Einstein's definition of insanity?

"Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Two days ago I was asked to speak to a group of professionals over lunch. My main point was simple: "I can't teach you to lead, and NOBODY else can, either!" The folks who say they can might sincerely believe in their systems. But, PLEASE hear me -- leadership "systems" don't work! I don't care what short-term numbers you post (more $$ on the bottom line, more butts in the seats, more Twitter followers, etc.). Following somebody else's SYSTEM won't help you live your dream. Learning how to be a better MANIPULATOR of the people you're called to lead/serve doesn't contribute to their growth or your fulfillment. Coming up with a vision statement that spring boards off the latest best seller "buzz" will take you NOWHERE! If you're leading to GET instead of leading to GIVE, you're headed towards burnout - personally and organizationally.

What I can help you do is learn about YOU! What are your strengths & weaknesses? What is it that resonates in your heart? Where is your passion trying to AIM you? How are you uniquely equipped to lead yourself? How can you use the same "equipment" to effectively lead others?

If you're tired of trying to lead like the Tin Man ("If I Only Had a Heart") and want to live an authentic life, here's one way to begin:

  1. Identify the frustrating "ruts" you continue to fall back into.
  2. Ask God to show you WHY those patterns drag you down, WHERE do they originate, WHY have you continued to follow "rules" that derail you?
  3. Lay your findings in front of a couple people you trust & whose guidance you respect and LISTEN to what they give you.
  4. Ask God for the courage to step ("leap of faith") into HIS purpose for your life!
The bottom line is this: you're the ONLY person wired to lead yourself & others according to your unique purpose. We NEED you!

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Developing Leaders Within Community

"We'll get a resume from somebody in Nebraska wanting to be an intern here and we'll say, 'Come, move to Portland, get a job and just live here for a year. After a year, let's evaluate how an internship is or is not a fit.' We do this because we believe leadership is best lived and demonstrated in community."

This quote is from a recent article published in Leadership Journal. The article, "Locally Grown Leadership," is authored by Chad Hall, an author, church planter, leadership coach, and the Director of Coaching for Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon.

The typical church hires using performance-based criteria similar to secular organizations.
"But the Bible talks about leadership in terms of character more than performance. To know a person's character, you must walk in community with that person, not just see the results they got somewhere else," says a Portland, Oregon pastor quoted by Hall.
He says the church's emphasis on calling those who already fit the community (both the church and the city of Portland) results in fewer surprises and more success.

Another reason hiring from within should be the norm is linked to the process of discipleship. Jesus commanded us to make disciples, not train professionals. The natural outgrowth of the discipleship process would be producing solid Christ followers. Some of these are gifted to lead in the church family.
"A biblically-functioning church should produce leaders. If we're not able to pull leaders from within, something's wrong in our community because it means we are not reproducing."
One of the reasons many churches don't hire from within is their congregation is aimed at the wrong target. They have to look outside for leadership because leaders aren't being developed in their church.

Another reason many churches fail to produce leaders that fit their community is the lack of authentic relationship. The performance emphasis the western church has adopted from secular society has focused our measurements of success in areas like event attendance, financial statements, and the like. Healthy communities will be good financial stewards and people will be attracted to their gatherings. But, many Christian leaders fear transparent relationship within a community because it reveals true character (or the lack thereof!). A performance emphasis doesn't produce leaders -- it produces performers.

The four leadership priorities of LeadersHeart aren't aimed at "performance" in a secular sense. We want to help you build a culture/community that produces disciples who effectively lead themselves AND others.

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