Image via Wikipedia
How many times have you heard the word "Advent" used in a conversation lately? More importantly, how many times have you heard it used in regards to our Christian faith?
Sadly, it seems we've lost track of one of the most meaningful words in Christian tradition! So what does "Advent" really mean? Here's what Merriam-Webster says: "1) the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas and observed by some Christians as a season of prayer and fasting, 2) a: the coming of Christ at the Incarnation, b: second coming." WOW! Though the church has forgotten the meaning of the Advent season, it seems the folks at Merriam-Webster have not!
I noticed a couple of keys in the Merriam-Webster definition. First, they note that Advent is a SEASON (not a one-day thing) and the season is observed by "some" Christians as a time of prayer and fasting! How many churches in the Western World today set aside four weeks prior to Christmas to fast and pray? The other important thing to note in Merriam-Webster's definition is Advent should point us BACK at the birth of Christ and FORWARD to His second coming.
Why don't we celebrate Advent like we used to? I believe in many cases, we've allowed other parts of life to get in the way. If we think we're competing with Hollywood to attract as many people as possible into our auditoriums, it's hard to imagine calling people to prayer & fasting attracting much of a crowd!
What's gotten in your way this year? Are there things you've allowed to creep in that keep you from focusing on JESUS as the reason for the season? If so, maybe an Advent season between now and Christmas can help you refocus.