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Someone asked Alan Mullaly, President/CEO of Ford Motor Co. for his best career advice. Here's his answer:"Don’t manage your career. Follow your dream and contribute. Think about just exceeding expectations of every job you’re being asked to do. Continually ask for feedback on how it’s going. Ask everybody involved what you can do to do an even better job, and the world will beat down your door trying to ask you to do more and more."What a great endorsement of the first priority of LeadersHeart! We just returned from a powerful time in Guatemala with an awesome group of leaders. I'll be posting some video clips on our LeadersHeart network as soon as I can finish editing them. These Central American & Caribbean leaders told me how much our call to Lead From the Heart and live CONGRUENT lives resonated in them!
If we're trying to "manage" our way through life, we're hollow, our message is hollow, and we won't impact the people around us. Leaders who are going HARD after the dream God's downloaded into their heart CONNECT! People are hungry for significance and managers don't call significance out of peoples' hearts.
I want to help change the world. Most of all I have come to know that NOTHING will fulfill me like giving myself completely to God's purpose for my life. I WANT HIS WILL - NOT MY PLAN!
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